insects: honouring the dead

The disappearance of insects has been variously called a catastrophe, armageddon, a tragedy, an Acopalypse. For sure it is an ecological disaster.

I feel horror, pain and grief at what we have done to countless numbers of insects. 

I bear witness to the dramatic disappearance of insects in my lifetime.

I  have decided to honour them as individuals by photographing them.

What sort of world will my grandchildren live in when they're grown up?


  1. I like your idea of honoring the dead by photographing them. We have done awful things to the planet in the name of convenience and prosperity. I'm as guilty as anyone as I'm quite happy in my warm home filled with electrical lighting. Having access to just about any produce at all times of the year is such a welcome luxury that it's easier to ignore the consequences.

    1. Hi Peter, Me too, it seems impossible to do without all the lighting. Not just houses, but buildings in cities and sports stadiums that put on night sports. It's like our species don't seem to be able to co exist.

  2. The news about the dramatic decline in insects shocked and saddened me too. The ripple effect will be tremendous but too easily ignored by the same fools who dismiss global warming as a catalyst for severe climate change. The front page of today's Los Angeles Times has a front page article about how sea level change, erosion, and the violent storms that are becoming more common will likely combine to flood the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach I see from my back garden, as well as the homes and businesses surrounding them, and the very expensive homes hugging all of the California coast. The study cited by the paper argued that the repercussions will be greater that our largest earthquakes and wildfires combined.

    1. Hi Kris, thanks for this. I wonder if we are all like a train that can't stop in time.

  3. I have been waiting for ladybirds to eat the aphids on my roses. Not seeing them. But I did see a sunbird busy, and the aphids are mostly gone.

    1. the glass isn't quite empty yet, so maybe there's still hope?????

  4. Scary news, aye. Dramatic pics. Love this blog.

  5. What your photos, Sue. The poor insects, dying. They are so small that we often do not notice them but insects take an important part in evolution.

    1. Hi Nadezda, they are so important, it's scary how we'll be without them.

  6. Scary indeed. Let's hope it's not too late for people to realize we can't survive without insects.


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