gardening with shoes

I sometimes walk past a garden fence 
that is unusual and quirky.

It's a new style of gardening, I think. 
I call it shoe gardening.

Not any old shoes. They have to be sneakers.

 This gardener must have a lot of sneakers
 they don't want.

Or maybe they're confused. 

Maybe this gardener is simply muddled 
about the difference
between plant pots and sneakers.

I don't think it would be comfortable 
wearing pots on your feet.

It's not only in the suburbs you can find sneaker - plant combos. Here's a high flier design in the Carlton Gardens.


  1. Wow. Perhaps the sneakers had become so 'pungent' that the gardener thought they would provide fertiliser for the plants?
    Plant pots can be expensive, and going down the sneaker route isn't a cheap option either.
    It is fun and my more frugal self smiled to see them. Thank you.

    1. Hi EC, funny fun, I thought.

    2. I assume you mean funny peculiar rather than funny ha ha. And on further consideration I agree. The

    3. I'm not quite sure what I meant ( a bit of a worry, I know). I love the originality and quirkiness of this garden.

  2. Maybe they own a shoe shop. Some of those sneakers look new or , at least, hardly worn in.

    1. I hadn't thought to that - they do look in good condition!

  3. Itā€™s kind of cute I guess, but some of that footwear seems to be in really good condition and I canā€™t help but think that a homeless shelter might put them to better use.

  4. They look like new shoes! I wonder what the story is. Why did they plant them? Did their feet suddenly change size, so they had a bunch of useless shoes? Why sneakers? Do they hate loafers, boots, etc.?...

    1. I don't know them but maybe I need to knock on the door and ask what the story is, to satisfy our curiosity? I feel a bit shy to do that but next time I'm there I might pluck up my courage and ask them.

  5. Haha, quite funny, a lot of the sneakers look like new.....

    1. Janneke: the mystery is solved by Emily below ...

  6. What puzzles me most is that so many of the sneakers look new or nearly so. We see a lot of old shoes used as planters here (hey, it's California) but not new shoes. Planted or not, I suspect those sneakers would quickly disappear here.

    1. Kris: the mystery is revealed by Emily, the Gardener's Daughter. None of us thought that maybe they were single shoes, and they couldn't find enough one legged people to wear them!

  7. Well that is odd. I visit a gardening blog named (The gardening shoe) I tell you what, I wouldn't knock on their door but if I were to pass by and see someone working in the garden I wouldn't be able to help myself saying whats the story behind the sneakers mate

    1. Alastair, after I read your comment, I decided to knock on the door. No one was home so I left my card, and got the reply below from Emily.

  8. This certainly is a quirky garden - in fact it is my father's!
    He was delighted to hear you get some enjoyment from it, he does too. In fact he has a passion for creating beauty out of old / reclaimed products. These shoes were single samples from a factory heading for the bin, he also collects wood from demolition sites and the side of the road to give them a new life - not bad for a partially blind grandfather! Perhaps next time you can knock on his door, I'm sure he would enjoy showing you his recycled creations!

    1. Now that is wonderful! Single shoes are hard to home (landmine victims apart).

    2. Emily, I am so pleased you made yourself known to us. I did knock on your father's door but there was no answer. So I left my card instead. Please tell your father I would love to meet him and will definitely knock on his door again when I am in the area.

  9. That is so random.
    I love it, someone has a wonderful sense of humour.

    1. Yes, and really original. So pleased you love it too, Cheryl.

  10. Isn't it wonderful to see such quirky things!
    I do like it.

    All the best Jan

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