garden bloggers bloom day november 2011

Lots of rain, perfect weather for growing ...

a thryptomene bush for a stick insect to visit
penstemon 'blackbird'
verbena rigida 'polaris'
forget me not
lavender stoechas
smoke bush 'Grace'
nutmeg geranium
opium poppy 
kniphofia 'shining sceptre'
lycoris radiata

Thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting this meme.


  1. So many beauties for GBBD. The Penstemon and Heliotrope caught my eye and how wonderful that you can grow gorgeous little Forget-Me-Nots! That last shot is so lovely with some great colour combinations.

  2. Lovely photos! I'll take some of your rain.

  3. Ah Catmint, we share a lot of the same plants. My Aggies are also about to bloom and I love the Heliotrope. Happy GBBD :)

  4. I have to remember it is spring down under as I forgot and was thinking wowser on the penstemon. Very nice on all the blooms when ours are fast fading away.

  5. That pic of verbena rigida 'polaris' is really pretty. Good job on the artichoke. Not that I have grown this plant before but I have read/learnt that it takes lots of effort to grow into a sizeable plant. And I love that opium poppy... it's a beauty!!

  6. What great varieties of blooms ... all different shapes, sprays, spires ... just beautiful! I have some heliotrope in a container that actually overwintered in my cellar. Trying it again and hope it comes back next summer. I would really like to try growing some artichoke in the potager. Love that stick insect! Haven't seen one of those in such a long time.

  7. Lovely to see so many familiar plants flowering for you and a stick insect too - fantastic ! Our gardens here are all reluctant to switch off, keeping going in all the mild weather we are having at the moment. Your photographs remind me of the summer we had a few months ago, really enjoyed looking at your photos Catmint.

  8. Your pictures are breathtaking!

  9. Your Opium Poppy is absolutely intoxicating, the Forget Me Nots are unforgettable and the Lycoris Radiata are delicious ā€œeye candyā€ as theyā€™re displaying shades of royal purple.

    I love this season when Mother Nature is so very generous with her blooms.

  10. I have a wonderful lesson of flower names today. Not good on names. But I started to appreciate how flower and our edibles balance each other in the garden.Very pretty flowers.


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