children in the garden

The children who lived in the house and played in the garden have grown up.

Now a new generation of children is playing in the garden.

And the garden keeps on growing ...


  1. What a great post and lovely pictures / memories.

  2. What a great blog! I have just been sitting and reading your posts and they are wonderful! I love the fact that you water plants to get them established and then let them grow on the natural rainfall. I look forward to following your blog.

  3. So sweet. The first photos remind me of the 70's style effects I've seen on photography websites - now we tweak and work to make our new photos look old.

  4. Hi Carol Nice post.
    To make a link right click on say the title of a post yours or others then select properties and in the box that comes up highlight the url, copy and then return to your post choose a word or phrase you want to link it too highlight by clicking at the first word and keeping left click down until the end of the word phrase.
    Then look at top of post in the box saying compose to the right and there is a green blob with black sciggle click on that and a box will come up I useually delete the blue Http in the url box and then click and paste the url you copied from the blog.

    I hope that helps it is quite fun learning new skills for blogging and you appear to use google Blogger.

    Do feel free to delete this comment when you have figured out how to make a link.

  5. If plants can talk, they would be able to tell who's son or daughter the kid is by looking at the eyes, the tone of the skin, the smell and the behaviour..... We know plants, plants know us too I guess..... ~bangchik

  6. It must be great to have such a long heritage with gardening. Growing up in a city, I missed that, but my kids won't

  7. This is so precious. It's so neat to see the different generations of kids playing in the same spot. My parents moved when I went to college, and my kids know a different house as their grandparents house. It'd be cool to see them playing on the same trees my sister and I played on.

  8. Thank you for your comments. I feel priveleged to be seeing a new generation in the same house and garden, and I also feel priveleged to share this with my dear fellow bloggers.


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